Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas!

Dear Carter, Belle, and Ava,

This has been a busy week!!  We set up your trees and the family tree.  And we made paper chains to go on them.  You were very creative as you drew pictures on each link.  Ava, you slept through the whole thing so I made one for you!

We also went to visit the big man in Red this week.

You have also been practicing for your Christmas play at church.  We are talking a lot about what is most important about Christmas---Jesus' birth!!

Carter, the other night you told me you couldn't go to be because you are nocturnal!!  I also found this in your backpack and thought it was sooo cute!!!

We also had a scare.  Due to an incident at Virginia Tech, your schools (and all others in the county) were on lock down.  Fortunately, we were able to pick you up early.  You had no idea that anything was going on or different about your day.

Today it is 10 days until Christmas, I can't wait and neither can you!!!

Love (no matter what!),


Friday, December 9, 2011


Dear Ava,

Today you used the potty!!!  Yay for you!!!!

Love (no matter what!),

Dear Belle,

Today you asked me what the marks on my stomach (stretch marks) were.  I told you they were from you, Carter, and Ava when you were in my belly.  You said, "I'm sorry we messed up your stomach."  I'm not, you are the best gifts I have ever been given!

Love (no matter what!),


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pictures, Sleep, and....Interesting Questions

Dear Carter, Belle, and Ava,

Last night we had a impromptu photo shoot.  Here is a pictures of the craziness--

Its a good thing you guys are cute!!

Ava, you slept in your big girl bed all night!!!  Yay!!!  Hopefully, you can keep that up.  Right now you refer to Mommy and Daddy's bed as your bed.  We'd love to have it back!

Belle, yesterday we had a very interesting conversation.

Belle:  "Mommy, when you die can I have your clothes.....and house.....and car?"
Me:  "Umm.....I guess, if that's what you want."
Belle:  "Mommy, when are you going to die?"

Hopefully, you're going to have to wait a very long time!!

Love (no matter what!),


Friday, December 2, 2011

Nap time & Arts and Crafts

Dear Belle,

I remember being able to sleep where ever my head landed.

At least you got it honest.  :0)

Love (no matter what!),


Dear Carter,

You asked me to draw a picture of Lego Yoda and Princess Lea.  This is what you got:

I apologize.

Love (no matter what!),


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Siblings- Your First Friends

Dear Carter, Belle, & Ava, Last night your dad and I were "organizing" (I use that word very loosely, it was more like shuffling clutter) the basement. It was close to bedtime so we sent you upstairs to clean up toys. A few minutes later I came upstairs to check on your progress. I looked in the living room, hadn't been touched. There was a dim light coming from the girls room so I headed that way. There, the three of you were sitting on Belle's bed in the dark playing cards. I am not sure what card game you were playing but it apparently required Belle to wear her sunglasses and for a Kathy Smith step aerobics tape to be on the tv. I laughed tO myself and crept away because I have learned not to interrupt quiet moments like that. It did make me think about your reltionships with eachother. How much they have changed, the dramatics involved, and how I hope they grow. Carter and Belle until this year you two did almost nothing separately. You two can turn our house into Wrestlemania in an instant but also can be the best of friends. This BFF feeling is stronger on Belle's side. Carter: Belle, I need a break from you. Belle: But Carter, you're my best friend! Belle and Ava struggle with eachother quite a bit. Belle often refers to Ava as her little bother. There are moments when the two girls call a truce. They love to pretend that Belle is "mommy" and Ava fills the role of "baby Madison.". (A name that Belle is convinced suits Ava better. Belle also spends time brushing Ava's hair- twisting the comb like one would with a fork in spaghetti. (We once had to snap a comb in half to get it out of Ava's hair.) Carter takes his role as big brother to Ava very seriously. He loves to help care for her- brushing her hair and helping to put on her shoes. He loves to take her hand and lead her around and makes sure that she gets her fair share in a group of kids. Your interactions entertain me. I hope that as you grow you will learn to lean on eachother and continue to love eachother as you do now (even though it may not always be obvious). Love (no matter what!), Mommy

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hello Blogging World!!!

My kids are always saying and doing the most funny and amazing things.  I hate that I have the memory of a slug, so I figured what better way to chronicle the ins and outs of our daily lives then a blog!  The hardest thing about being a stay-at-home (although, I am on the go quite a bit) is to take a moment to pause and think about the blessed life we live and not become caught up in the daily routine or chaos, as it may be.

I decided to write letters to the kids, because this blog is for them.  I hope that one day they read it and understand that through the ups and downs I love every moment with them!

**The above picture is Carter, Belle, and Ava in Gatlinburg, Tenn.  November 2011**